Jazz and Zen Listen
The essence of Zen is present moment awareness; awareness of thoughts, words, and actions and all that arises and falls away as we move through our lives. This is the essence of Jazz as well; the ability to listen deeply and respond, moment to moment, in the interplay and exchange of notes and chords.
When we engage all of our senses, live fully, and embrace our lives as an infinite connection with everything and everyone, we create the music of life and take part in a flowing, seamless dance...a conscious awareness that every step, every movement is intimately related.
This is JazZenJourney
Artists who have appeared with JazZenJourney:
Steve Rudolph
Joerg Widmoser
Scott Hamilton
Ali Ryerson
Klaus Lessmann
Mirco Mariottini
Andy Middleton
Achille Succi
Johannes Faber
Jonathan Ragonese
David Boato
Sheila Cooper
Fulvio Sigurta
Stefano Bedetti
Riccardo Galardini
Marty Ashby
Romina Capitani
Matteo Calabrese
Drew Gress
Francesco Losavio
Marco Forti
Raffaello Parreti
Giacomo Rossi
Paolo Ghetti
Thomas Stabenow
Francesco Petreni
Carmine Casciello
Ettore Fioravanti
Domenico Fontana
Walter Paoli
Giuseppe Sardina
Alfred Kramer